by Katie Conway Guest writer for Michele Francine &

A few months ago, experts expected the housing market to cave as a result of COVID-19, but those predictions couldn’t have been more wrong. In most areas across the country, the demand for available homes has sky-rocketed and put sellers in the perfect position to sell their homes quickly and even turn a profit. So, if you have been thinking about selling your home, you may want to strike while the market is hot!
Of course, before you do, you’ll need to make sure your home is in top condition to show to potential buyers. You’ll also want to take a few precautions to keep your family safe during the process. That’s why having this list of safe and effective selling resources can be of value.
Selling your home during the pandemic can be a slightly challenging process but it can also be a very profitable one. So use the resources in this guide to help you tackle each task from start to finish. More importantly, make sure you are working with a listing agent that has the experience and know-how to sell your home quickly and safely, with less hassle for you.
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